Arkansas Bicycle Club



Save the Big White River Bridge Ride - Day 3

13 Aug 2015 9:17 PM | James Britt (Administrator)

This was a bit of an anti-climax day. The Saturday day riders had left with a few of the Friday riders, so we were down to 7 on the return. It was decided to leave after 6:00 am. I didn't want to get up so early but I knew that was best with the 100 degree day ahead. Even then, it was hot and especially humid getting the vehicle loaded. It was much better once we were on the road at 6:30. We had a tail wind for much of the return and we set a pretty fast pace but we stayed together. The restaurant in Humnoke was not yet open but it was too hot and still 25 miles to go to have more than a breakfast snack at the store there. We passed one local rider from Stuttgart who asked if we were the group from Clarendon, so the word got around somewhat which made me feel good. 

Again, thanks to John and Susan Linck for the use of the support vehicle and Terry for driving. We couldn't have done it without carrying the extra ice water and the gear in the hot weather. Burton and Sarah Moore were great in offering the 2 furnished houses for our use. We'll have to tour their museum with antebellum furnishings next time. Mayor Jim and Phyllis Stinson in Clarendon were great hosts. We saw them off and on the whole time we were in Clarendon and Holly Grove. Clarendon Police were also great in getting us over the bridge. I think the Sheriff also had a vehicle there too. Also Police Chief Hollis Foster from Holly Grove was a great escort and friend and Mayor Lulu in Holly Grove and it seems the whole town, for turning out to greet us with cold drinks and hot dogs. The catfish lunch Saturday by Jim and Linda at East Lake was great and they and their son and daughter were also great hosts. The son drove us on their farm wagon on their gravel road from where we left our bicycles at the end of the payment. I think the folks in Madison County were very appreciative of us coming to publicize their bridge and we had a great time with them.

Address: P.O. Box 250817, Little Rock, AR 72225-0817

Phone: (501 912-1449

email Jim

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