The 2018 Bike Ride Around Arkansas is just a few days from now, so Jim Britt and I plan to drive the route this Sunday. Hopefully we will find the roads and camping sites in good shape.
Our plan is to start in Camden, AR on Sunday, April 15. I am not naming most of the camp sites on this blog because there is always a chance of a change after we drive the route. The first area we plan to visit is Magnolia. I am not real happy with the camp site there, but at least there is one.
Our second night will be in El Dorado. The anticipated camp site there is a mile or two from town. Not too bad to go to eat is anyone wants.
The third night will be in Crossett. Not much choice there on camping. We will have a few miles to town, but easy riding if we do not want to cook in camp.
The fourth night will be in Moro Bay Park. This is somewhat remove, very pretty, if not flooded, and a good place for everyone to prepare dinner in camp.
The fifth night is not set. I am working on a possible site, but may change.
As most participants of previous BRAA rides, plans are mostly made to be changed. We will just see what happens. If anyone has any ideas for this area of the state, let me know.
John Linck 501-231-9350