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Sub to Furlow, AR 23 miles one way. 46 miles total Leave Furlow at 6:00 pm Thursday, August 18 A group of cyclists will leave from the sub in NLR at 4:15 pm and ride to Furlow to meet riders coming in from Ohio. We'll then ride back to the final destination, Diamond Bear Brewery, to celebrate the accomplishment and fellowship. Steve Sullivan, with KATV, has arranged to cover the event and the arrival into NLR. If you can't leave the sub by 4:15, feel free to be dropped off in Furlow and ride back with us. DB will also have a door prize for one lucky rider who rides with us. The Benefit Bike Ride, Pedaling 4 a Purpose, from Springfield Ohio to Little Rock, Arkansas is an effort to raise awareness for a non-profit, Miracles for Mary. The organization was started by Jim & Patti Drake and is in honor of their daughter Mary Drake, who suffered terrible injuries after a bad car accident. The proceeds raised for Miracles for Mary go to assist other families who are going through similar challenges such as the Drake's did with Mary. Please feel free to go to the website and check out Mary's story as well as what the organization is all about. Miracles for Mary
Address: P.O. Box 250817, Little Rock, AR 72225-0817
Phone: (501 912-1449
email Jim