Arkansas Bicycle Club



More about the recumbent trike riding

30 Dec 2017 8:19 PM | Anonymous

The year is ending with some bitter cold which is not great for riding a bike, but due to Jim Britt consistently leading good ride events, I have been able to work on my recumbent riding.  Most of the rides have been in the 30 mile range with varying terrain.  

Today, December 30, 2017, we rode a loop from Mayflower which included climbing Round Mountain.  Scott Stafford and Janice Peters joined Jim and I on this cold grey day.  We had a nice stop at the new Conway airport about half way through the ride.  Personally, I was happy with my ascent of Round Mountain.  The descent is getting better as I am learning to handle my Catrike 700 trike.  This Catrike is my road trike.  The Scorpion FX-20 is my touring and all purpose trike.  Both have their good points.

I have been told it takes 6 weeks to get "trike legs".  This is not true.  It will take me more like 6 months, or longer to get "trike legs."  Even little things, like avoiding pot holes is taking a while to learn.  With three wheels it is more difficult to steer away from road or trail hazards.  

Even with set-backs and difficulties, I am really enjoying riding and learning this new way of pedaling for me.  It is different in many ways, including the sights.  With the position on the trike there is a much better view of your surroundings than on a bike and more of a chance to take them in.  Also, the sounds of the road are much different which is a little odd to me.  Only a few feet lower to the ground and many events sound differently.  I am sure there are even more changes coming.  


  • 14 Jan 2018 5:12 PM | James Britt (Administrator)
    I'm anxious to see how you load for a tour. I'm sure you'll be more stable.
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  • 21 Jan 2018 7:31 AM | Deleted user
    I have been riding trikes about 5 years. I have a Scorpion FS 26 and a Scorpion FX 20. Loaded touring requires major adjustments of your rear suspension. I found that out in preparing for a camping tour of the Mendelson Trail through the Black Hills. I had previously Inn-toured on the Katy Trail without having to adjust the suspension. I ended up pulling my BOB trailer, which worked great on the Mendelson. The extra wheel in the soft ground does slow you more.
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    • 01 Feb 2018 9:37 PM | Anonymous
      Some interesting comments. I will attempt tomorrow to fit a trailer to my Scorpion FX20. A friend owns the trailer and is willing to loan it for a ride or two for me to test riding with a trailer. We have the Ouachita 3 day ride coming up in about 3 weeks. I would like to have a trailer for that one.
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      • 03 Feb 2018 3:05 PM | Deleted user
        John, I have never tried touring with a trike on anything but trails. I tour with the ACA and trikers do tour on the road. I have been recumbent road touring since 2001, but my speed going up mountain passes has declined such that I get pretty shaky. I have gone to rehab with my back, neck and shoulder issues. I now can, and have, toured with a Surly with Jones Bars and plan on touring with my Bike Friday, also with Jones Bars, through AK and the Yukon this summer. The Scorpion FX20 is a great trike. See you on the Ouachita Tour.
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