Arkansas Bicycle Club


January 10, 2019 meeting

  • 12 Jan 2019 3:17 PM
    Reply # 6997345 on 6954724

    The board nominated and voted for James Britt for president for the next year. The annual budget was discussed and approved. Our income and bank balance are a little better than last year. The Arky did not make a lot of money due to the poor weather. We discussed increasing publicity for the event next year.

    The upcoming Camden-El Dorado and Lake Greeson Rides were discussed by John Linck. The next meeting will be in March. The budget is attached below. 

    ABC Budget 2019.doc


  • 10 Dec 2018 9:38 PM
    Message # 6954724

    The meeting will be at Oyster Bar, Markham and Kavanaugh in Little Rock, 6:30 pm. January 10th. We'll have a board meeting at 5:30.

    Last modified: 21 Sep 2019 1:32 PM | Anonymous

Address: P.O. Box 250817, Little Rock, AR 72225-0817

Phone: (501 912-1449

email Jim

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